City of Kearney, MO

Join us for our third annual Lighted Christmas Parade! Followed by Kearney's favorite Christmas event, A Magical Night! Join us as we recapture the usual Homecoming Parade route to see different floats, cars, and people dressed in their Holiday best!  We are excited to have you for our annual Kearney's Magical Night! Local businesses open their doors for parents and children to swing by, and do a free family craft or activity together! Each stop will offer something unique, so make sure you go around and see everyone!  We will also have fireworks again!

December 9th, 2023
6 pm - 7 pm: The Lighted Christmas Parade
7 pm: Santa Arrives for pictures
7 pm - 9 pm: Kearney's Local businesses open their doors for unique experiences at each stop!

*Event schedule can change, but we will try to keep it as close to this as possible.